Training On Fish Handling & Technology Adoption
Across the beneficiary districts, over 300 female fishmongers have been trained on best fish handling practices, technology adoption, and occupational safety and health (OSH) by the Power to the Fishers project. The training has equipped fishmongers with the know-how in maintaining good hygiene when handling fish and making the most out of the energy-efficient ‘Ahotor’ […]
Capacity Building on VSLA for the Power to the Fishers Project Team
CERATH Development Organization had a two-day in-house training to build the Power to the Fishers Project (PTF) project team’s capacity on Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA). This was to equip the project team with the needed capacity and techniques for the formation and management of VSLAs. This contributes to the provision of social protection […]
Empowering Women Financially Through Village Savings and Loans Association
Accelerating women’s empowerment is intricately linked to the strengthening of the socio-economic livelihood of fishing communities in the coastal savannah zones of Ghana. The PTF project offers trainings to fisherfolk, especially women fish processors, in all the coastal fishing communities of operation within […]
CDO Embarks on a Data Collection Exercise to Investigate the Social and Financial Inclusion of Fisherfolk
The project team of the Power to the Fishers has conducted a data collection exercise to investigate the social and financial inclusion of fisherfolk. The objective was to find out the perceptions, knowledge, and adoption rate of fintech and social protection services among fisherfolk. The team, within two weeks, engaged telcos, the National Health Insurance […]
THE EU-Funded Power to the Fishers Project Donates PPES and Relief Items to the Awutu Senya District
Project beneficiaries (fisherfolks) in the Awutu Senya District were sensitized on the COVID19 pandemic, and measures to prevent its transmission. The project manager, Derek Adabie, led the discussion on the spread and symptoms of COVID-19, as well as its preventive measures (which include practical ways of ensuring social distancing). He further carried out demonstrations on the appropriate […]
Power to the Fishers Project Launched.
The Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development (MoFAD) represented by Ms. Matilda Quist, Director of Marine Fisheries has launched the Power to the Fishers Project, a sustainable fisheries management intervention, last Thursday 12th December 2019 at Erata Hotel, Accra. CERATH Development Organization (CDO) is implementing the project, with funding from the European Union (EU) under the […]
Testimonial From Stove Host Beneficiary
The use of the traditional mud-built fish smoking oven poses a plethora of health and economic challenges for many fish processors in Ghana. Some adverse impacts associated with its use include poor eyesight and respiratory problems caused by frequent exposure to smoke, high consumption of fuelwood, reduced fish quality and nutritional value due to the […]
THE PTF Project Inaugurates 2Fish Processing Centres In Senya Bereku and Winneba.
The Power to the Fishers (PTF) project has inaugurated two communal fish smoking centres in the Senya Bereku and Winneba communities. The event, which was held in both communities, saw in the attendance representatives of the EU Delegation to Ghana, Fisheries Commission, Ministry of Finance, and the technical assistance team (TAT) for the CSO-RISE programme. […]
Forming Learning Group for Fishmongers
Fish processors in Ghana’s coastal communities do not adhere to hygienic fish handling practices and make use of outmoded smoking ovens which is inefficient, expensive, and also consume a high amount of firewood to smoke fish. This causes them to run into huge losses while putting their health at risk. To facilitate technology transfer on […]
Study Tour Organised For the Power to the Fishers Project Beneficiaries.
The Power to the Fishers project, funded by the European Union, organized a study tour to the Central and Western Fishmongers Improvement Association (CEWEFIA) compliance facility. This was organized for 75 lead fishmongers, all being women, in the project’s beneficiary communities. The learning tour was to enhance the knowledge of the women on improved smoking […]